Know what your not good at, and don't do it

So these past couple weeks I have continued to hack with Python+GUPnP via PyGI. I've pushed some important patches lately, and have even begun making progress in getting the biggest components of my work upstream (woohoo!. GUPnP-AV, GSSDP have been merged. GUPnP itself is 80% the way there, and PyGI is in review).

So, where do I stand on AutoRemote/Zhaan? Zhaan hasn't gotten any love lately and is actually using some older code that I have replaced with much nicer libraries inside AutoRemote.

So, most of my time has gone into AutoRemote (what a crappy name). I am at the point where the UI needs to be written. So I wrote some of it. And its REALLY ugly. And HORRIBLE to use. And I did NOT enjoy writing it. I am happy to say I can recognize what is good UI and what is bad UI, but my own skills to design (and implement!) that good UI apparently don't exist. I think I just proved that P != NP. Awesome.


MPD-UPnP Status update


It's Alive -- MPD + UPnP