It's Alive -- MPD + UPnP

I've put together a (working) quick and dirty script to wrap MPD in a UPnP Media Renderer. This is far from a complete solution, but it allows playing/pausing via UPnP Control Points. (Python-GUPnP CP works just dandy for it!)

from gi.repository import GUPnP, GObject, GLibimport mpd



def setup_server():

    ctx = GUPnP.Context(interface="eth0")

    ctx.host_path("device.xml", "/device.xml")    ctx.host_path("AVTransport2.xml", "/AVTransport2.xml")

    desc = "device.xml"    desc_loc = "./"

    rd =, desc, desc_loc)    rd.set_available(True)

    return rd

def setup_mpd():    global CON_ID, MPDCLIENT    HOST = 'localhost'    PORT = '6600'    CON_ID = {'host':HOST, 'port':PORT}

    MPDCLIENT = mpd.MPDClient()

def on_play_action(service, action):  print "Play"  MPDCLIENT.connect(**CON_ID)  MPDCLIENT.disconnect()

def on_pause_action(service, action):  print "Pause"  MPDCLIENT.connect(**CON_ID)  MPDCLIENT.pause()  MPDCLIENT.disconnect()

rd = setup_server()print "UPnP MediaRenderer Service Exported"

setup_mpd()print "MPD Client Setup"

service = rd.get_service("urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1")service.connect("action-invoked::Play", on_play_action)service.connect("action-invoked::Pause", on_pause_action)

print "Awaiting commands..."GObject.MainLoop().run()

Update: This is an updated version of the script that supports more commands and properly ends each UPnP action. Unfortunately it doesn't entirely work because of either 1) A bug in g-i or 2) a problem with the gupnp api that will require a break to fix. Spent a lot of time today to understand the problem, hopefully we'll have either a gupnp or a g-i fix in a few days.

Update 2: Now available on github. Zhaan (formerly known as "GUPnP-Python UPnP Control Point" has also been pushed)


Know what your not good at, and don't do it


Pondering MPD and UPnP