Conferences abound!

I will be attending the Maemo Summit 2009 in Amsterdam this year, with a particular interest in talking to developers about uPnP and DLNA compliance and development. I will be doing a project with upnp on Maemo platform so this is a particularly exciting event for me. I'm also hoping to find a way to get a free Nokia N900 out of this deal :)!

I will also be attending Wineconf 2009 which happens to also be in Amsterdam about a month later.

A huge thank you to Dr. Johnathan Smith at the University of Pennsylvania for sponsoring my trip to the Maemo Summit and to the Wine Party Fund and CodeWeavers for sponsoring my trip to Wineconf.


Back from the Maemo Summit 2009 with a N900 in my pocket!


Where did the last 4 month's blog posts go?