Where did the last 4 month's blog posts go?

My web host has seen fit to royally screw me over. See Adam's take and below, my version of the story.

Dear Sirs/Madams,

Good afternoon!  My name is Zachary Goldberg and I have been aPowweb customer for more than three years.  It saddens me today towrite to you to say that after more than three years a situation hasarisen which is causing me great distress.  I would like to explain mycurrent problem and implore you to help me. My main problem is thatall of the data on my powweb account has beendeleted!

Recently I was contacted by your legal department about "files inviolation of policy".  I immediately responded to that email from yourlegal team asking the most obvious question "Well, I have a lot offiles, which ones are in violation?".  After two or three correspondencesvia your ticket system I learned that "files beginning with zi*outside your htdocs folder" were in violation.  Well, I had put nosuch files there but sure enough there were more than 4,000 files withseemingly random names beginning with zi outside my htdocs folder.  Ipromptly logged in with ftp and deleted all of those files.  I assumedthat by doing this everything would be alright.

Three days later my friend and co-owner of the account (Adam Shefki,CC'ed on this email) called me saying "Whats up, the website is down?Also, can you log into the FTP?".  I checked the ftp, I could log in,but all of the files were missing!

And so, two days later and after many calls to your support department(mostly with the "Support Supervisor" named Lester) I have received noreason for why the files were deleted.  I spent more than two hours onthe phone with Lester yesterday (Friday, 5/15).  By the end of the daythough, Lester had promised the issue was being resolved and our fileswould be back by the end of the day.  Today I find the following tworesponse on my open support tickets:


I am writing to you to follow up on the Support Ticket #6004981 . Ihad requested you to get back to us with more information on yourissue, but there has been no response from you. I'd like to continueto assist you with your issue, but unfortunately cannot do so, withoutfurther information. At this point in time, I'm going to resolve yourSupport Ticket, temporarily. If you'd like to reopen your ticket, youcan do so from your Support Console at any time.


Archie ScottCustomer Support


Dear Sir/Madam,Thank you for contacting support.

I regret, it will not be possible to restore the files at this point,until our business department has looked into this issue. There iscurrently an open ticket to them, but the department is closed overthe weekend, so I am not able to assist further at this point. Iapologize for the inconvenience that this may cause.

Thank You,Jim M.Technical Support

The first email says they tried to ask for information.  I havereceived no phone calls or emails or any other communication fromPowweb since I hung up with Lester yesterday.  The second emailconfuses me even further, Lester had already assured me the issuewould be taken care of!  Also, I am very confused as to why thebusiness department needs to be involved.

I called your support department this evening who informed me thatthere is an additional comment in the ticket system which sayssomething about a "Disk Space Violation" of which I have heard nothingabout!

Please, I implore you to empathize with me.  The websites I administerhave been down for more than two days and I am extremely concernedabout being able to recover the data on the servers!  Some of the datawould be excruciatingor even impossible to recover.  I am not a spammer or a seller ofanything in appropriate, I maintain a simple personal blog for myselfand a hobbyist blog for my friend Adam.- Hide quoted text -

Please, is there any way you can help us?

Sincerely,A customer begging for some help,Zachary Goldberg

Conferences abound!


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