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One way to do Django on AppEngine

Embarked on a quest into combining Django with Google AppEngine, embracing Django-Nonrel and DjangoAppEngine for a seamless yet challenging integration. It was filled with learning curves, but the promise of my upcoming app kept me motivated.

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Trying out the Nexus S

I got a Nexus S today, and here are my initial thoughts, when comparing it to my Nokia N900: missing the LED indicator and physical keyboard but loving the speed and smooth operation. Android's multitasking feels odd, yet the app ecosystem and Google integration are big pluses. Still adjusting to on-screen typing and dealing with ads, but the seamless service sync might just make me stay.

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AMD Joins Meego with Nokia and... Intel?

Shocked to hear AMD and Intel are teaming up, especially to back Meego, hinting at a strategic shift to tackle the ARM-dominated mobile market. This collaboration could spice up the smartphone OS competition, potentially positioning Meego as a solid third player.

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The "lawsuit club"

There are so many major corporations suing each other over complete drivel nowadays that I've lost track of who is pointing the lawsuit-press-generator at who. Here is an aggregate from a few minutes of Googlin'. Kudos for the idea for the title goes to the NYTimes.

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Don't use third party tools

Be cautious using niche tech tools like Django or Zenoss unless you're ready to commit to maintaining them, as custom tweaks can become a time-consuming necessity. Choose software you can fully own and adapt, underscoring the value of open-source over proprietary solutions.

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Building Empire State Buildings

Today Google had one of its fancy playable logos. They really are nifty – I actually found myself playing with it and admiring the physics for a couple of minutes. And then I noticed…. So was everybody else. I got a couple of messages from friends who also spent a couple of minutes with it. That got me thinking… How much productivity does the world lose when Google does this?

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Curious Behavior

Rushed to meet Richard Stallman at Google after spotting a Buzz post about his visit, but found him with just a few folks around. My post-meeting push for software freedom, inspired by RMS, didn't win over my Apple fan coworkers, but I'm not ready to quit.

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A true test of Ubuntu: Setting it up for the parents in 2 hours

Yesterday I got a desperate call from the folks — Windows got gunked with adware, viruses and other forms of badness, and dad couldn’t use it to work from home anymore. So, after work, I got on a train and headed back to the ‘rents for some quality computer troubleshooting family time. Managed to set up everything they needed, from iTunes sync for Mom's iPhone to backups for Dad's BlackBerry, all in just 2 hours.

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GUADEC 2010 debrief

Fresh from GUADEC in The Hague, I'm grateful for the experience and the chance to dive into GNOME developments, though the mixed feelings about Canonical and the heavy lean towards web technologies gave me pause. It was inspiring to meet the brains behind key projects, despite the long trek from home.

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