Zhaan now available in extras-devel!

Myself and the PyMaemo folks have been working these past few days to clear the blockers from making PyGi work on maemo.   There was a last minute bug in the Maemo autobuilder which prevented PyGi from properly being imported into the maemo extras repository.  (Turns out the bug was caused by the fact that the PyGi package's version number had capital letters in it.  Thanks X-Fade for your help!).  The bug has now been cleared and all of PyGi and Zhaan have been imported successfully.For any users: Zhaan should be installable in the multimedia category of your application manager.  Please give installing and using it a shot and report any bugs you find (in the maemo.org BugZilla)!  Positive feedback and/or feature ideas is also appreciated!


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PyGi version 0.5, the 'Watch out, theres a Volcano!' release