Google's love of the internet

I am quiet often both surprised and saddened by the things Google does. Google, like any good company, devotes effort into making great products that both solve people's problems and at the same time also benefit the company itself. I see projects like Chrome OS as both a nice thing for some folks, but also quiet scary. Imagine if everybody had used Chrome OS from the getgo -- we wouldn't have any of the phenomenal native technologies, or games, etc. that we now do on the PC. Not that I wish to speak poorly of Chrome OS, just that it's an example of Google promoting products that are both good and "bad" in my world view.Whatever doubts about Google over products like Chrome OS are more than counterbalanced by other things Google does. Google recently announced the accepted members of Google Summer of Code 2010.  Interesting members in this list:

  • CITP - The Center for Internet and Policy run by Ed Felton whom I had the extraordinary pleasure of meeting just this weekend.  Not the ordinary open source project, eh?
  • Bermen Center for Internet and Society - Another fantastic institution devoted to having a real effect on public policy with respect to the internet.  Again, a rather unexpected recipient.
  • The Creative Commons

And, of course, some of my other favorite projects were also sponsored:

Thanks, big G :)


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