Dawn of a new era

As you have likely noticed the blog has been moderatly transformed over the past couple of hours. I got on another one of those once-you-start-you-just-can't-stop modes and began setting up this WordPress blog at about 12:30 PM. Since then I have successfully:

  • Used my old RSS feed from my old custom blogging software to import everything into wordpress
  • Find a theme I like
  • add some nifty plugins
  • Change DNS a bunch of times (still more DNS work to do to get access to old content)
  • Configure a whole bunch of stuffs
  • Add some links
  • Setup a REALLY awesome blogging client called MaStory on my N900 which allows me to upload new posts, edit old posts, view old comments, upload photos via picasa/flikr and automatically link them etc. etc.

Feel free to send me an email or post a comment if anything doesn't look right. I've thus far only tested in chrome.


PyGI Hackfest


Hildon-ized Zhaan