Python GUPnP as a Working control point


In my last post I wrote about some success sending actions via python + GUPnP. Its been less than a week since then and I can now report that nearly everything needed for a control point works in Python + GUPnP... I know this because in the time it took my to take a bus from Philadelphia to NYC I wrote one :). It uses the following UPnP Features:

1) Downloading Icons from other devices
2) ASync sending actions
3) Async retrieving data from actions
4) Parsing DIDL's and DIDLItem, DIDLContainer and DIDLResource objects using GUPnP-AV
and more..

I unfortunately am about to run out, but I'll tease you with this (conveniently... *wink wink*) 800x480 screenshot.




GUPnP + Gobject Introspection Status